Sex Therapy or Porn?

Madrid opened its first sex doll ā€œbrothelā€ in storm of controversy in 2018. The new phenomena of realistic sex dolls is forcing society to consider a new form of sexuality and reflect on how this affects women.

According to Daniel Garcia, founder of Luxury Agency Dolls, Madridā€™s first doll brothel, they are just like any other sex toy such as a dildo and are just harmless fun.

ā€œItā€™s not like a dildo, because women do not do have an illegal sex industry where they are the main buyers of other peopleā€™s bodies,ā€ says Kathleen Richardson, who teaches a course called Ethics and Culture of Robots and AI at De Montfort University in Leicester, England.

Whereas MarlĆ­s Gonzalez, Sexologist, believes that society is heading for a more mechanised form of sexuality, but admits that sex dolls could have some therapeutic value in certain situations.

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