HM Hospitales offer walk-in COVID testing
Testing for Covid-19
If you need to know your immune status against COVID-19, in HM hospitals we want to make it very easy for you:
- No It is not necessary to make an appointment.
- Results ready in 24 h at the hospital or 48 hours on the website.
- If you have doubts about which test is the best for you and which is the nearest center around you, you can call +34 914 452 126 and we will inform you free of charge.
The diagnosis of infection by COVID-19 is based on the clinical history, radiological tests and analytical tests. Thanks to the PCR technique we can confirm if there is any presence of the virus in the RNA. The presence of antibodies, IgG and IgM, provide information about the evolutionary state of the infection and allow you to know your immune status against COVID-19.
Real-time PCR
This is the preferred choice for the diagnosis of the presence of the COVID-19 virus and, therefore, of the possibility to infect others. It is a Molecular Diagnostics method based on the detection of RNA of the COVID-19 virus.
Type of collected sample: nasal or throat swab
Results ready in: 48h
Sensitivity: 99%
Serological Tests
They are focused on the detection of IgG or IgM Antibodies. These antibodies are present in a blood sample after the first few days of the infection, so they are not recommended to detect early stages of the disease but to know the immune status of people, as well as for epidemiological studies.
Type of collected sample: blood test
Results ready in: 48h
IgG Sensitivity: 91%
IgM Sensitivity: 75%
Call and get information at +34 900 102 792
9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday
In English at +34 914 452 126 from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to Friday.
email: international@mail.hmhospitalescom
Clinic centers and schedules where the test can be performed:
Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (No appointment needed)
HM Madrid Hospital
Plaza Conde Valle Suchil, 16 28015, Madrid, Madrid
HM Montepríncipe Hospital
Avda. Montepríncipe, 25 28660, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid
HM Torrelodones Hospital
Avda. Castillo Olivares, s/n 28250, Torrelodones, Madrid
HM Sanchinarro Hospital
C/ Oña 28050, Madrid, Madrid
HM Puerta del Sur Hospital
Avda. Carlos V, 70 28938, Móstoles, Madrid
HM Nuevo Belén Hospital
Calle José Silva, 7, 28043, Madrid, Madrid
HM Modelo Hospital
Calle Virrey Osorio, 30 15011, La Coruña, La Coruña
HM Delfos Hospital
Avinguda Vallcarca, 151 08023, Barcelona, Barcelona
Steps to follow after a PCR analysis
- Regardless in which clinic was it done, once the test has been carried out and you have symptoms related to COVID-19 or if they are worsening, you should go to the ER of your reference hospital.
- The result of your test will be available within approximately 24 to 48 hours in working days after the sample is taken.
- You can check the results on abacid.es with the Analysis Identification Number and the Web code provided the moment the sample was taken.
- If you are already a registered user of HM Hospitales you can access through the App and the HM Hospitales website with a code number emailed to you to read the results. This number is valid for 24 hours and can be requested on the website and HM Hospitales App.
In case of a POSITIVE result you should monitor your symptoms:
- If you are DO NOT HAVE SYMPTOMS you must self-isolate for 14 day following the day you were tested. If your health status is stable, but you want to keep in touch with our emergency medical team, you can request a follow-up phone appointment.
- If your SYMPTOMS WORSENS you should go to the EMERGENCY ROOM. Reference hospitals for the treatment of COVID-19 patients are HM Madrid, HM Puerta del Sur and HM Torrelodones.
- We inform you that if your health condition does not worsen during this period, it is not necessary to repeat the PCR test or go to the EMERGENCY ROOM again.
- Remember that even if your PCR is negative, you should continue to maintain the usual measures to prevent COVID-19 infection (mask, hand hygiene and social distance).
Important notice
Patients positive with COVID-19 must follow the order to self-isolate and in case they refuse to do so, it is considered a violation of the duty according to the General Law of Public Health (LGSP), as it is against direct breaches of the duties of citizenship imposed by the authorities in health matters.
Flu Vaccine
Are you among the risk groups that should go for vaccination?
HM hospitals through its international department offers a vaccination campaign at home or at the nearest hm center.
Regarding the doubts that may arise about the Covid 19 vaccination, in HM hospitals we refer to the information provided to us by the Madrid health department based on the strategy proposed by the central government.
Which you can find in this link:
Currently we have started the vaccination campaign of our workers in all our hospitals to receive the 1st dose.
For further information in English contact email: international@mail.hmhospitalescom
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